Patients with gastrointestinal disease often visit The General Physical Practitioner with dyspepsia and abdominal pain. The conventional take on the treatment of such complaints is often to recommend a change in diet and some prescription pills to manage the symptoms.
How does an osteopath approach the issue:
Well, the osteopathic palpatory evaluation suggests that there is an association among gastrointestinal disease, the presence of posterior midthoracic pain, and chronic headaches.
The Osteopath after thorough assessment may adopt -Visceral manipulation. Each organ has a connection and relationship to the structural parts of the body. Any disturbance in the musculoskeletal system of the body can induce dysfunctional functioning of one or more organs of the body. Visceral manipulation is applied to your organs by gentle and specifically placed massage to encourage the body to release restrictions that cause dysfunction and pain. Once the muscular tension starts to lift, the organs start to function normally and the patient is free of the symptoms.
The manipulation helps the body to restore normal motion of the viscera thus, treating the actual underlying cause.