Best physiotherapist in gurgaon

Do physiotherapists remove your headache?

A physiotherapy is a medical form of treatment for any injury, disease, or deformity that is ministered by physical techniques like massage, exercise, and heat treatment in substitution to any drugs and medication. It is a great initiative to avoid filling your body with various drugs because English medicines, which have dominated all other forms of medicine, might treat your symptoms temporarily, but don’t cure them from within. These English medicines don’t reach the root cause of the disease. 

Physiotherapy is a great way to keep your body fit and escape from the waste of these medicines and their side effects. Recently, the collective data and statistics have proven that physiotherapy in Gurgaon is highly recommended by people. The rising cases of headaches, frozen shoulders etc have emerged the physiotherapist in Gurgaon

Physiotherapist in gurgaon

What are the types of headaches that physiotherapy can treat? 

Generally, headache initiates from the back of your neck following damage from prolonged use, wrong pose, or traumatic injury. The force placed on the nerves, ligaments, joints, and muscles in your neck yields stress and pain that can produce  suddenly or gradually over time, leading to a headache. So, there are basically three types of headaches which are as follows – 

  • Cervicogenic headache

This kind of pain is usually noticed at the age of 20-60 years, nevertheless, it can occur in any age group. It may be back of the head, ears, jaws, and forehead, and referred from the three-neck vertebra. The pain of cervicogenic headache occurs like making a helmet or cage around your face, it attacks the frame of your skull. It can happen almost daily and you don’t want to get addicted to taking medicine, thus, manual treatment like physiotherapy is very effective. 

  • Stress-oriented headaches 

Tension headaches can be generated if you are having excessive stress and getting anxious, it feels like a band wrapped. It can be caused because of the contraction of muscles between the head and neck, it can last up to a few hours. It is mistaken for migraines many times but stress headaches and migraine are two completely different pain. 

  • Migraine 

Migraine occurs on either side of your head, left or right. It is very that a migraine will wrap around your whole head. It is a chronic disease that can keep occurring until treated. It is a disorder that causes pain on either side of your head and it is usually generated because of dehydration, food sensitivities, loud noises, flashing lights, hormonal changes, and weather changes. 


Thus, physiotherapy can treat different kinds of headaches. It is proven effective for all sorts of headaches and you can quit drugs or consumption of medicines very often. You can consult a good physiotherapist, instead. 


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