Author – Dr Chestha (Neuro Physiotherapist)

Worrying about all the news on the new coronavirus and illness it causes? Well that makes a good sense. The outbreak of COVID-19 is stressful and fear about this disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions amongst children and adults. Now , these emotions are instilled in a mass of cells near the base of our brain called as AMYGDALA.


To understand that how this AMYGDALA seizure is happening in the present situation , we need to know few key points about our brain :

  • Our brain consists of two parts known as cerebral hemisphere
  • Each cerebral hemisphere has a nucleus known as Amygdala
  • Amygdala nucleus controls our emotional responses such as evaluation of fear and threat etc. conveyed to us by our senses such as eyes and ears.
  • This area of the brain is like a COMMAND centre that communicates with the rest of the body activating our nervous system in an alarming situation.
  • Flight or fight response is activated within our nervous system and we notice effects such as rapid pulse and breathing , blood pressure goes up and an extra supply of oxygen is sent to brain, increasing alertness. Skin temperature goes down, digestion is slowed down and all our energy is saved for staying alive.

AMYGDALA seizure

Now, in the current scenario we are unknowingly triggering this part of our brain by watching news and reading all the messages that is being circulated on whatsapp and other forms of social media. We are constantly in flight and fight response and hence most of usare experiencing the following symptoms :

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased breathing rate
  • Insomnia due to increased alertness
  • Increased pulse
  • Poor digestion

All these are continuously pressurizing various systems in our body such as respiratory , digestive, cardiovascular and nervous system and imposing these dangerous effects on our body.

Try doing these things more

  • Connect with friends and loved one through video chats, phone calls and text messages. It really helps to feel the connection and helps you to stay strong.
  • Stick to sources of authorised medical information regarding COVID-19

Try doing these things less

Please do not overdose on hype or misinformation. There is no need to stay tuned in 24/7, it can actually make your fear even worse.

How can you relax despite the fear of  coronavirus ?

Here are some ways by which you can relax :

  • Controlled breathing: Visualize you breathing travelling in a square. Inhale up the first side of the square slowly count one , two and three . hold your breath across the top and same way exhale out by counting one , two and three by moving to other side of the square.
  • Bhastrika : it has a lot of benefits such as helps lower stress and anxiety, improves brain oxygenation, good for lungs and improves immunity. We perform this by sitting in crossed leg position, make a fist and fold your arms placing them near your shoulder. Inhale deeply, raise your hand straight up and open your fist. Exhale slightly forcefully, bring your arms next to your shoulder and close your fists. Continue for 20 breaths and then relax your palms on your thighs . take few normal breaths and then relax.
  • Meditation : Guided meditations on YouTube like 432 chants , Hopponopo gratitude meditations, Ananda Sangha guided meditations would put you in a calm relaxed alpha zone.
  • Energization exercises by Dr Vandana (–Gc38oM)
  • Acupuncture/ acupressure points for stress management

Call us if you are having anxiety pangs. We are there to help.

Team PHYWORLD suggests that you take practical steps to lessen the risk of catching the new coronavirus by avoiding unnecessary travels and crowds , washing your hands often or using an alcohol based sanitizer.

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